Descubriendo el Siglo XXI/Discovering XXI Century. Part of

Holy Cross Church, NY

our Physical address:

325 West 38 Street Suite 206     s

New York, NY 10018

(212) 244 4778 fax (212) 868 6997



1.  Who are we?

 A non-profit organization structured in accordance with New York State legislation as defined in paragraph (a) (5) of Section 102 [Statute pertaining to the Law for Nonprofit Organizations, State of New York.We are also included in the United States Catholic Conference Group Exemption Ruling and listing in the Official Catholic Directory (“OCD) under the umbrella of Holy Cross Church in New York City.

 2.      What do we do?

Provide an intellectual, emotional and spiritual “home-in-transition” for the very large Hispanic population in the New York, New Jersey and parts of Connecticut area.

 We provide information for New York area Hispanics that focuses on human values. It addresses social, political, economic, cultural and educational issues

  3.       How do we reach Our Goals?

 We employ mass communications media: radio, written and electronic press, such as emails, television, travel, conferences, and seminars. In other words, we utilize all means of expression that facilitate public discussion.

 4.      Who is Our Target Population?

Hispanic immigrants whom arrived into the United State in the past two or three decades have become the nation’s largest minority group.  According to the US Census of the year 2,000, the Hispanic population will soon constitute 13% of the country’s 281 million people.    In the New York City metropolitan area there are approximately 4 million Hispanics.

 Discovering the XXIst Century targets first generation immigrants and elderly people who live either alone, with loved ones, in the hospital or retirement homes.  The program also targets families who have come to this country looking for a better way of living with dreams to accomplish.  Most of these first generation immigrants carry on their customs and cultures and have not adapted to speak English as a primary language or don’t speak it at all.

5.  What we are doing now? 

 We have several programs in progress: a radio program, which airs daily on Mondays through Thursdays; a leadership institute, pilgrimages and cultural travel and educational workshops  

A.  Radio ProgramsOur activity on the radio is and has been our most important effort in reaching Hispanic Immigrants in general.  According to Arbitron, ratings were among the highest on record for a program as ours.

       Host: Rev. Father Tomás Del Valle, a veteran journalist and Catholic Priest. Fr. Del Valle has produced the program “La Tertulia” on RCN Radio Sub carrier in New York back in the 1990s. Former Executive Director and Producer of radio programs at WKBM-AM81 and WORO-FM 95.7, Puerto Rico, radio stations owned by the Archdiocese of San Juan, PR. Hosted and Producer the program “Descubriendo el Siglo XXI” for a 14 months in WNNY-1380AM in New York and for seven months in the WSNR-620AM. Now

      In addition, Father Del Valle is Chief Bureau of Castilla La Mancha Radio and Televisión, a Spanish Network in Toledo, Spain.

      Also he is a Free Lance writer at Spanish language daily Newspaper “El Diario La Prensa”, which is  the oldest Hispanic newspaper in the United States;  and “El Pregonero Newspaper”, a weekly Catholic newspaper for the Archdiocese in Washington DC. Fr. Del Valle maintains a Media liaison with the Vatican Radio in Spanish language affairs. Also, Fr. Del Valle is the Vice president of ASH (Asociación de Sacerdotes Hispanos) and an Associate Pastor of Holy Cross Church, Times Square in New York City.


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